About us

Larissa Ignacio & Ineke van der Velden are the founders of rise4life.

Rise4Life's Mission and Philosophy

At Rise4Life, we're all about helping parents and families stop young people from using drugs or alcohol. We want to teach people about the risks of these substances and help them recover if they're already struggling.

how ?

Education: We give parents and caregivers clear, reliable info about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. With this knowledge, families can talk openly and make smart choices.

Prevention: We work to stop drug and alcohol problems before they start. By spreading the word about the risks and making study in school fun again, we help parents to keep their kids safe. A happy child in school is a happy and healthy child at home. 


Rehabilitation Support: If someone's already dealing with substance issues, we connect them with the right help. Our aim is to make sure they get the support they need to get better and rejoin their community.


Empowerment: We're all about giving parents and caregivers the tools they need to protect their kids. We believe that with the right info and support, families can tackle substance abuse head-on.


Our goal at Rise4Life is to make a world where drug and alcohol addiction isn't a threat to anyone's health or community.

We are proud to play a role in rehabilitation processes in collaboration with experts and to pass on important information about the risks of substance abuse.

rise4life samen een drugsvrije wereld

The impact

Our impact is visible in the lives we have touched. Through education, awareness and active support, we have helped countless people embrace a life free of drugs. We work closely with other initiatives in the field to bring about lasting change and provide an environment where respect, knowledge and empowerment prevail.

From Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany to South Africa, our reach and influence is growing. Every day, we add new stories of hope and recovery as we work together towards a bright, drug-free future.

Rise4life TEAM

Larissa Ignacio

She is one of the founders of Rise4Life. She is a passionate and inspiring personality. She is known for her energy, passion and ability to connect people. Her motivation stems from her previous work as a probation officer in addiction services, where she gained insight into the challenges of reintegration after involvement with the justice system and addiction issues. This experience drives Rise4Life's mission to free people from the grip of drugs and create a healthier society.
Her motto is: "Think big and make an impact!"

Ineke van der Velden

She is an experienced entrepreneur with more than 36 years of work experience. Ineke shares the same passion as Larissa: inspiring people to be happy. Her vast experience and positive mindset, shaped by philosophy and personal development, enable her to see challenges as opportunities. Ineke has personally experienced how enriching others leads to strengthening in various areas of life, and she strongly believes in sharing this positive perspective. Her life motto is "Improve & Inspire to Move Forward!", which reflects her dedication to helping others grow and move forward. With her broad experience and compassion, Ineke makes a valuable contribution to Rise4Life's mission.

Heidi Munsters

 As the driving force behind our seminars, she is committed to developing engaging programmes on drug prevention and education. Heidi specifically targets schools and stakeholders, offering valuable insights to reduce drug use among young people. She also supports passionate freelancers in creating seminars, aiming to engage diverse audiences, including entrepreneurs dealing with drug problems in the workplace. Heidi's commitment makes a difference in our mission to promote awareness and prevention.

Amy Rijcken

She is our wellness consultant at Rise4Life. She builds solid foundations for shaping a balanced lifestyle. With over 30 years' experience as a lab technician and regular contact with GPs for a decade, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team.
Her mission? To promote harmony between body and mind by focusing on prevention and encouraging simple, positive lifestyle adjustments. Her dedication shines through in striving to improve overall quality of life. Welcome to a world of well-being with Amy at the helm!
Her motto: " Get to know your body better!"

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest!